So this was a letter sent in to The Times, penned by what seems to be a very clever Carmel Attard...

Naturally, The Times, which seems to be running out of ideas to fill in those pages, decided to publish it.
We wholeheartedly disagree with those who on Facebook and other social networks are ridiculously claiming that The Times shouldn't have published this. That's being as close-minded as this moronic Carmel Attard himself. And you don't want that, do you?
Freedom of speech can't only come in handy to fight in favour of equal rights. No, it also means that people can air their opposing opinion. It's actually really annoying that so many can't seem to grasp this.
Anyhow, let's get down to business... What was this Carmel thinking? If he believes he's educated enough to voice these thoughts in public, then he should be ready for some panning. Seems like the fresh air in Australia hasn't yet gone down his nostrils, which are still clogged with the hatred he breathed in Malta.
Is he one of those who flew in to vote against divorce because that's against God's law too? We reckon.
Since children who are brought up in gay families lack a father or a mother, and are thus "robbed", what exactly should we do with orphans? And how about those single-parent families? Are these children to be done away with? Would Carmel be happy then? Is this what he learnt at those duttrina lessons? Well, this man's twisted ideology holds little water, if any.
We don't really want to look much into this. You know what's our stance so we shan't put too much of a fine point there.
Yet, if we want to call a spade a spade, we must concede that ignorant people are still around. It's only a question of educating them... or wait till they kick that blessed bucket. In hoping for the better though, we wish the latter won't be necessary.
I think Carmel is right to some extent. In reality marriage was a religious creation so how can people who don't belong to religions get married? Gays shouldn't expect to get married. They can be together and live together but not mary. Only my humble opinion.
ReplyDeleteSo should we get rid of civil marriage? And what do you mean by 'religion'? What if 'my' religion accepted gay marriage, would that be acceptable in your (not so) humble opinion?
DeleteSo many sweping statements about God and religion. Do people really forget that 'religion' is as diverse as 'nationality' or 'culture'? Do people really think there is only one religion? How can anyone imply that being gay means you don't belong to a religion?
DeleteI was brought up as a catholic - as I am sure were many of those writing in this blog. I was taught from a very early age that 'my' religion accepted EVERYONE as did 'my' God. Seems as though this mantra has suddenly been conveniently changed. Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions, but what is the deal in changing the preachings depending on the situation at hand? Doesn't anyone find this confusing? How does one keep up?
Marriage is a WHAT now??? Marriage is NOT a religious creation! And it certainly is not restricted to religion now!
DeleteNo, I don't expect the Catholic church to suddenly allow gay marriage, but I seriously doubt that's what people are asking.
well get your humble opinion and shove it...... please! Carmel is so wrong that he needs to shut up and write letters to the Sydney Morning Herald and not to a newspaper in Malta.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the most narrow-minded and homophobic comments I've ever seen. Evidently, this man carried the stupidity of the Maltese to Australia and I'm afraid he may have passed it down to his children and grandchildren. I strongly disagree with everything he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said the main aim of matrimony is fecundity, so what about couples who even though they are so much in love, they can't bear children? Are they disgraced by God? I don't think so. Love is the most important aim of marriage.
Apart from this, he said children in homosexual families are robbed of having a father and a mother. I was raised in a traditional heterosexual family and at the age of four years, I lost my father to cancer and my mother had to raise me single-handedly along with my two older sisters. So I too was robbed of my father. It's not fair to generalise and blame gays if a child is stripped of parental love. With the same reasoning of this Carmel, then I should blame God of my father's demise because God is the Absolute Master of the Universe and He's responsible of Life and Death. But I don't blame God, I believe that He took my father to a place far better than where I am right now.
And last but not least, he suggested the introduction of polyandry into our society. If he said that about homosexuals, I think he'd be the first to call such women sluts.
Maltese people have way too much time and opportunity to express their stupid close minded opinions, with all due respect. On the other hand, people, like me, blog about makeup and are looked on as shallow by them people.. while they're pointing fingers at gay couples and their "against nature actions". Because talking down to people is what comes natural to them. -.-
ReplyDeleteYou can write about make-up no problem. I have read some of your posts and they are good. But you can't deny that these gay people are totally natural. They can live and have partners because thank god the people are now tolerant but you need to understand that they cannot be totally equal. How could they? I respect them and I have some gay friends, but they know how I think about marrying.
DeleteWhat have they done to deserve your claim that they "cannot be totally equal"?
DeleteThanks for the thumbs up Helen. But I actually disagree on that regard, I believe NO other human being can impose on other human beings what they can and cannot do. If they choose to be married, it should be their choice. I personally don't say I agree or disagree about the matter, because it's not something that affects me, it's something that affects gay people. And I personally don't believe I should have the power to judge them on what they choose to do in their life. Just like I don't believe anyone should judge me should I choose not to get married like the norm. But that's my take on things..
DeleteI would have used the F word but I know Keith would censor that comment. But really it's such a shame that such people still expect to have things their way only because they feel superior by going to a big hall every Sunday. Yeah right. THeir values are very clear.
ReplyDeleteThe times should be published such letters that are so shameful. It's really stupid because people who think like that should be given the limelight you know?
ReplyDelete'I oppose gay marriage because, firstly, it is against God's law'...well, in reality, it's always been about survival - some call it 'business'. In the times that the bible was penned, there were many fishermen, catching lots of fish. They were not selling enough, so it was necessary to find a way to 'generate business' for these fishermen, hence was established the law of 'no meat on Fridays'. But it was OK to eat fish. Now lets face it - what is the difference - fish, cows, sheep...they are all given birth to by a mother, they all have a heart that beats, they all have feelings, they are all murdered in order to be eaten...why is it different. Of course, the fishermen needed to sell fish! The law of anti gay marriages was written under the same principles...there was a need for business, business is created by people, gay marriages don't 'create' people, so lets ban them! But surely everyone can see that times have changed. Let's move on. Let's treasure life for what it is - short and sweet, and lets not stop others from doing the same!
ReplyDeleteas he clearly said... the main aim of marriage is to have children.. so if there's no chance of having children, the marriage is illegal,no?... so what about infertile people? is it illegal to marry someone knowing he/she is infertile? tha main aim wouldn;t be having children!!
ReplyDeletemarriage has NOTHING to do with Christianity or religion. Why do people keep on trying say gays can do whatever they want but they can't marry? And to those who say they are not 'natural'... you need to take a good ling hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so bigoted.
ReplyDeleteI dont wanna be mean or anythin but lets call a spade a spade will we? In reality we now have many many gay people and in the past we didn't have so many so something must really not be functioning. I think that going away from everything that is holy has changed us deeple and we are now having to face this punishment. Gay people sin because we should miror the reality of life that means man and women. The fact that we want to sound cool and pretend we have better values to tolerate now is making a counterproductive efect because we have more gays then the past. Is this a normal concidece? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteDear S, we've a gut feeling that you are the same 'Anonymous' commenting on the women's article.
DeleteYour comment - after trying hard to decipher it, since your appallingly erroneous English serves as an obstacle - is incredibly ridiculous.
We can't believe you are so naive as to think that there are more gays than before. What you seem to be oblivious to is the fact that in the past, gays weren't quite accepted in society, which meant many of them spent their entire lives hiding in the proverbial closet - some even married (to people of the opposite sex) with kids. Of course, such cases are still around, however more gays feel society is becoming increasingly more accepting of them - hence the increase in (openly) gay people.
Punishment? Really? Do you seriously think God wants to have anything to do with you after you call gays a 'punishment'?
And what reality are you talking about? Do you mean that we're living in some microcosmic realm?
Please do enlighten us further, S.
Dear S as my SS, I think in the past there was such a phobia, and being gay was such a TABOO that whoever was gay kept it for himself..... there are even gay penguins and gay lions, so I thinks being gay is also natural.
DeleteJust to let you know, since according to you getting married is to have children, then you shouldn't have sex with a condom.....because that's against having children..... I hope you abstain from doing it if you dont want children.....or just take it up your S