As far as we're concerned, though, the differences end there.
Now this is a comment a certain gentleman left under a joke we posted on our Facebook page.
Yes. Women are predesigned to grow into wives, have children and bake cakes. And pies, too. Men, on the other hand, can NOT take care of their children. They just don't have it in them.
It is plain sickening that despite all society has achieved nowadays, women are still not at par with their male counterparts. OK, we've made giant steps, true. Yet there's still a long way to go.
Alas, what gets to us is that there are many who wholly believe that yes, we have managed to achieve that balance, break that glass ceiling into a million pieces, and miraculously struck equality. So if you're reading this and you believe that, close this window. The following won't please you much.
How are women and men equal when there still are people who believe that wome should stay at home - clean, cook and tend to the cildren's and husband's needs? Oh, but some of these people agree that she can work before she's married. Why should she get a Uni degree? To help her children with their homework, of course! And if she still insists on working (what a nuisance some women are, aren't they?), she can teach kids at kindergarten - a nice and safe environment. That's good and pretty convenient, isn't it? That way, they'll finish work by 3 and head home to take care of the household chores ... lest the husband comes and throws a tantrum because the house is not spick and span. And if his mother incidentally comes over it would be really problematic.
Women are weak. And also emotional. But you will probably know that, wouldn't you? You must know that, especially if you hail from Malta. How dare you think otherwise? The 'sister' will punish you if you say that women shouldn't take maternity leave when they have a kid - and you don't want the 'sister' to be angry, do you? Your years at the 'muzew' would be horrible...
Anyhow, it's therefore a fact they can't deal with the stress that comes with a career. Their emotion should be reserved for their children and for supporting their husbands. Don't you think so? Oh well, just ask some of the graduates from our University... "they have a Ph.D ta', dawk jifhmu" many might tell you. And remember, they're the créme de la créme of our society.
The problem is that employers don't seem to care about this persisting problem. Mothers are not given the support needed as employers would rather make a pregnant woman redundant than employ and train a temp while paying the mother's maternity leave.
Needless to say, since taking anyone, let alone a company, to court is rather expensive, many women leave it at that and suffer the consequences of having children. Serves them right for being so arrogant as to think they can have the best of both worlds, right?
The fact that some women seem to be comfortable with this situation, though, makes our blood boil. How can a woman accept a man to take the lead and tell her what to do? How can she accept to give up all she's ever worked and strived for just because she happened to be born female? And above all, why should a woman have to feel compelled to choose between family and career? Men don't. Ah, our society seems to do miracles with that Barbie they give to girls and that car they give to boys.
Women such as Margaret Thatcher (have you seen Meryl Streep's interpretation? Gorgeous!), Hilary Clinton, even Victoria Beckham, have or had succesful careers as well as families.
But we needn't go so far. And neither should we go away from our shores. Why shouldn't we give a more palpable example, right? Well, here it is. Our mothers did the same exact thing. They raised us excellently, gave us all we needed, educated us and - oh, wait for it - juggled all this with a career. Our parents did their very best to strike a valuable balance between work and time with us. They always made sure our needs were fulfilled while working to provide a living, together with our dads. So no, working women don't translate into women abandoning their families. They don't have to neglect their children. These are ugly horror stories designed by luncatics who love women, yes, but with a pair of Vileda gloves on, doing the dishes...
How's that saying? Ah yeah, "there is supposed to be a lady in the parlour, a cook in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom".
Women really need to pull their socks up and realise that nobody can tell them what to do. They are their own woman with a brain and potential to do whatever it is that they dream of doing. And those men with the very perverted idea, for that's what it looks like nowadays, should simply, well, LUMP IT.
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K.O. |
How stupid this article. It's from nature that women should be allowed to stay home and take care of children. Who will breast feed the babies? Certainly men can't. Do you think man should get boobs to feed babies? It's the course of nature. Don't you realize that this equality speech brought the world to so many problems? Don't you see all these criseses? Why only now?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteThe equality speech did not bring the world to many problems. The failure of society to follow it did. And the plural of crisis is crises. Revise your English and next time proofread what you write for stupid mistakes like this first, before calling what others write 'stupid'.
Hello, Anonymous.
DeleteFor starters we'd like to let you know that we've approved your comment only to show to the people how moronic some on these islands still are. It'll be a pleasure to see people highlighting to you how stupid and ridiculous your stance is!
How dare you say we're facing problems in today's world only because of women? Do you realise how insulting your comment is?
We seriously pity your wife (if there exists enough a stupid woman to marry you) and any daughters of your (who would be better off with a dad like you).
KUDOS to anonymous. Thumbs up to you.
DeleteKudos? Women have brought the recession?
DeleteAre you guys for real? Do you live in 2012? Do you know how many women have died along the years because of this? Do you know how many women still are suffering because of this? Why can't they have proper jobs and do what they like? Why do we need the EU to legislate in favour of women? We don't need them to defend us. What we need is for women to bloody wake up and smell the coffee.
Dear Anonymous: By your thinking, childcare is limited only to breastfeeding... How very perceptive of you. Of course, once a child is old enough to drink out of a bottle, THEN can the mother return to work! Problem solved!
Delete-_-' I sincerely hope that you ARE a male, as we are all guessing, otherwise it would be a tremendous shame that you actually comply with this way of thinking...
Dear CharlieRocks and Tea & Rain,
DeleteIt is a pity to see that people in reality are denying the course of nature. We men have been showing responsibility for all the world since prehistory. How deny it? It's impossible. We cannot say that men are equal to woman when it comes to work and everything. They need to bring the bread at home. Women shouldn't be forced to work. They are more delicate and are easily tired. In fact they can't work as much hours as men.
And why should companies get a person to replace them in they're absence? That's a waste of money and time. You can't teach new ones and fire them. Imagine that's a man replacing the woman for some time and then you kick him away because the woman returns to work. Imagine how he would feel.
Yes tea and rain. I have a wife and 2 daughters. And luckily enough I have thought them the real virtues of families and women. They don't speak like you only because they want to look modern. It's such a shame that you think women shouldn't stay focusing on family but go out to earn money for the family. Why undermine the men's position? They want to provide for the family. Let them do it. You complicate life. Shame.
Very nice of you to prove our point, Anonymous!
DeleteListen, I don't agree completely with anonymous but he is partially right. Why should women feel compelled to go to work? I think it's much better if they stay home and take care of the children because we know very well what this world has come to and so they need a mother to be home with whom they can talk and express their problems. A mother is what holds a family together. We have forced women to go to work lately and have you realized how many families are divorcing? We must take this into consideration. It's a shame to ignore these problems.
DeleteI think that women should have a job yes but it must not drain the women from their energy because then they would be tired when they go home and take care of the children. They need to be strong for a strong family. It's nature yes: even though you want to ignore this aspect. If we pretend that this is not true then we will not realize the real importance of housewives.
Anonymous is the epitome of all that is wrong with our country. Oh and one more thing:
Delete*I have TAUGHT, not THOUGHT
Anonymous, I'd stay anonymous as well if I wrote what you did! First of all the whole 'fairer and delicate sex' speech is outdated. What 'course of nature' are you referring to - me man, you woman, you stay home, me go out to work?!? What are your thoughts on stay-at-home-dads - are they 'irresponsible' and going against your 'course of nature'? Such cave-man attitude is shocking in today's day and age.
DeleteWhat is wrong in a woman continuing to work after having children - why should she not be allowed to continue working in the field she studied hard to enter into? If a woman chooses not to work and the family can live off one salary, then good for them. But don't penalize a woman who wants to work. If both spouses can juggle family and work and do a good job out of both, then hat's off to them - be it man or woman.
Charmaine you'd be amazed that it's not always a mother who holds a family together - sometimes it's good communication, understanding and trust. No one forces anyone to work just as no one should be punished for going out to work.
Josepha? Really? Oh please let's not be too opportunistic in our lives. Why should make everything so complicated in our lives? It's easy to understand that we now live in many troubles because the family institution is not strong anymore. Why has this problem only came now? It wasn't so bad in our past. I still remember Malta living a very good time with strong families and healthy economy.
Deleteand now? Malta has problems finding jobs for it's people. Men can't bring money to they're family anymore. Don't you see this is wrong josepha? What if your husband can't find a job because another lady is occupying the positions? It's not good because your husband must at least mantain your children. Do you know how many men are in such positions? It's really unfair after all.
Course of nature? It's really easy to understand that the world came to what it is nowadays only because very famous leaders deduced such decisions. They made the world so strong as such a good place in which to live. Without these men we would not be in such good positions you now. How many famous rulers were men? Few of course you know. Also animals are like that. The lion brings food to his lioness. And many other examples. We are an evolution from animals but we shouldn't ignore this fact after all.
We think we have became more independent. But in reality things are not as good as you want them to make them sound. We are just ruining the course of nature and this is showing very much in today's world we live in.
It's useless arguing with such people Anonymous, as you will not manage to show them the truth.
DeleteAnonymous, I HIGHLY encourage you to step into the 21st century.. As josephaxuereb stated, the "women are so delicate and fragile" speech is purely BS... If a woman can go through 9 months of physical discomfort then through child-birth, then she can sure as heck do all that a man could do in the workplace.
DeleteOn the other hand, no one is FORCED to go back to work, and I do disagree that ceretain mums go back to work just months after having had a child, but then again, if the person is not being given sufficient maternity leave and does not afford to stay at home, then it's better for her to earn some money for herself and her child...
Also, since you so strongly insist on citing "nature", I would like to remind you of the lioness, who is the main provider of the lion "family-unit"... Perhaps you ought to take a trip to Africa and give them a little lecture on how it's meant to be done... ;)
So true. It's a pity that society is still misogynist. The women of such Muslim countries as Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia are living witnesses of such derogatory behaviour towards them from the opposite sex. I've been raised up surrounded by women (my mother and my sisters) since my father died when I was still a baby, and I confirm: Women do it better..
ReplyDeleteHello J P;
DeleteWhile you agree with this gender problem which cause separation between two sexes, you make much bigger mistake to generalize people from different religions. I'm a Muslim who is an academic and can observe these problems caused by gender discrimination in my country (esp. in the business world). However, it doesn't prove that only Muslim world has this specific problem. This is world's problem which we need to be determined while standing against.. When you search American literature you will find gender problems(I mean even USA has it). So, we have to open our eyes and don't be racist.
Hello J P;
DeleteWhile you agree with this gender problem which cause separation between two sexes, you make much bigger mistake to generalize people from different religions. I'm a Muslim who is an academic and can observe these problems caused by gender discrimination in my country (esp. in the business world). However, it doesn't prove that only Muslim world has this specific problem. This is world's problem which we need to be determined while standing against.. When you search American literature you will find gender problems(I mean even USA has it). So, we have to open our eyes and don't be racist.
I didn't mean to say that only Muslim countries have this problem. I just mentioned them as an example. I understand that gender-based discrimination is present all over the world. I'm sorry if I sounded racist in what I wrote earlier.
DeleteThis is soooooo true. I really agree guys. Keep them coming :D
ReplyDeleteIssa il-muzew x'ghamlilkom? Ma tahsbux li zejda dik? Ir-religjon dejjem qabzet ghal bniedem, u dak li suppost tghallimtu l-muzew. M'hemmx iktar rispett lejn in-nisa minn kemm hemm mil-knisja. Insejtu li Gesu anke lil Maddalena hafer?
ReplyDeleteHard to understand how people can behave and think stereotypically. In my humble opinion, it is important to realise and accept their existence then take a step. Why can't we dream a marriage in which all domestic work is man's respobsibility and woman only work outside? While saying this I don't want to sound feminist, all I want to say is both is normal. Woman also learn how to do all stuffs that she takes care of in the house. Man also can learn. There are certain things we carry with our biology which is obvious(Man can't gave a birth, breast feed etc.) All the other things related with society can change.We just need to believe that they can change!
ReplyDeleteI am a working mother and have been for the past 22 years and proud to say both my kids have graduated from University and character wise everybody praises them including me as although I had to juggle a full time job and full time housework as my husband never lifted a finger...he is Parr of the spoilt men generation who believed it is ok for women to work but not for them to do housework or link after the kids. So seeing I wished to use the brain God gave me not just my hands and legs I ended doing all by myself and never denied my kids anything, not sport and no outside school activities...they always did everything they wished and still do up to today at 26 as opposed to opposed to other non working mothers who after spending a whole day having coffees were too tired to take their kids to lessons in the evening. It all boils down to effort and commitment which should be shared between both partners. It angers me that housework and bringing up kids is not shared, men can do a great job in both, sometimes even better than women, that's why I also believe in gay marriages. The only thing men are not capable in doing is breastfeeding...but as for the rest there is no distinction, single mothers bring up their kids just fine just like single fathers do and married couples, also grandparents when patents have died or abandoned their kids.It's the effort and the live you put in it not the gender that matters. Why draw a line on who should or shouldn't take care of kids and housework based on gender. So if all women died would all men starve to death? I very well doubt it. And if a mother died would the father give up the child cos he is incapable? Finally it seems men are admitting they are not good at something hahaha...but only when it pays them !!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso I am so pleased and proud that atthe Bank I bank in they are all women including the Manager and just two men. Women are proving themselves to be just as capable as men in most fields when they are allowed University women are taking over because their need to prove themselves in a world which in the past was mainly male is high and therefore achieve results! A German guy told me that in Germanany 4 big Banks are mainly run by women. I am not a feminist, I just hope and wish women had the same right to choices like men have, not equality because we do differ but the same rights to choose without being looked down on, critised if we work and expected to stay home when we have so much to contribute not just to our kids and husbands but to the world!
ReplyDeletedo not put the blame on breastfeeding . . . our society can easily regulate breastfeeding at the workplace, proper facilities for expressing breast milk if the woman desires, a nursery at the work place and facilities were women can breastfeed their children. A woman can do what ever she wants.
ReplyDeleteAs for some other comments here, I truly believe that man and woman should work together in taking care of the house and raising the children. If the woman works till 8pm and the man works till 4, what is the problem with him preparing dinner, why must the woman wake up earlier that same morning so that when the husband comes from work at 4, he has something to eat? I find it ridiculous! We can and should cut the crap of the saying that women making better housewives . . . wrong . . . because what makes a home is a mum and a dad not just a mother!!!
What children want are their parents not just their mum! They want both parents to help them with their homework, they want both parents to tuck them so sleep at night, they want both parents to go shopping with. A mother cannot manage her career, her house and her family all by herself, well actually she can but why should she when she has a husband who can share the load? And a man should not do it on his own either. Man and woman should be in this together, there would be so much more harmony in the home!!
Very well said. My wife has been working since she finished university and we have always done well together. Yes we have to share our chores and make certain sacrifices, but this isn't something out of the ordinary. Why not? You see we can now allow ourselves a holida abroad every year and also to spend some extra money to send our kids to private schools. Why not? And should my wife stay home if she loves her job? She is very respected at work. She's an esteemed accountant. I think 'anonymous' is rather limited and he cannot have enjoyed his marriage as well as he should have. it's such a shame. Your words are full of hatred 'anonymous'. And you are a sorry excuse for a man. I agree with Charlirocks, go to Afrika. You will be better off there.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this post completely, in fact i have fought for women rights all my life. Unfortunately in my years (70s/80s) it wasn't easy to be equal because of the government in those years that didn't really let you study. I have worked all the way since I finished school and my first employer thought he was making me a big favour by employing. I worked my way up and then took over the company and I made sure to be fair when employing people. I think it's stupid to give men a better chance only because they are men. In fact I believe women are better employees because they tend to be more loyal, unlike men who want to seek better and better all the time. I have found my women employees to be more dedicated than my male ones.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous you should be so ashamed of yourself. You denigrate women just to please the men and you fail to realize that by doing so you favour also the lazy men who don't want to work as hard as women only because they are men.
yes,women are more loyal to their work .They can balance both office work and household chores...perfectly.