
Saturday, 18 August 2012

Xi dwejjaq ta' nies, marelli

There isn't much need for a comment, is there?
Remember when we wrote this? ...well, add another one to those talking gibberish.


  1. Ms Martin is write infact these students only come here to party and get drunk. Its a common fact and everyone knows it so you should not defend them.

    1. It's actually *right. "Write" is the verb used to describe to trace or form (characters, letters, words, etc.) on the surface of some material, as with a pen, pencil, or other instrument or means.

    2. Dear Paul, a student studying at B1 level writes way better than you do. You really should mince your words (and use a dictionary) before uttering such sweeping statements.

  2. So you think students come here to study? Bahahahahahahahahaha

    1. Actually - these students help keep the economy running. And unless you work in the business and you know what you encounter, don't make assumptions. Some students are actually VERY motivated to learn. I know because I work in the business. Others could care less yes. It's a different story for every student. Believe it or not, some students actually don't go out and party.

    2. Having worked in the industry for the past 6 years, we can't help but wholeheartedly agree with you, Dyna...

      Every student is a different case and deserves to be addressed exclusively according to how he acts. Tarring everyone with the same brush is way beyond reprehensible. It's actually pathetic!

  3. Paul: why don't you attend some lessons with some of these students, maybe you will actually learn how to WRITE properly yourself!!

    1. At least if I go to school I would try very hardly to improve not like these people which only sleep coz they are tired from the night from partying

    2. I work as a teacher, I happen to have VERY mature, highly motivated students who want to learn. Yes, you get the occasional student who can't care less, but to talk about a business you're not involved in is just immature and irresponsible. I hope my English was not too much for you to understand.

      Oh and BTW. When you talk about people you can't use "which". It's "who".

    3. I do some mistakes ok but I can speak english properly not like these students who come here to party and party and party. I don't work in you industry and I don't want neither because I have to feel apreciated and these students are stupid and don't understand and don't care for the teachers in the class.

    4. The fact that you "do" mistakes is very indicative of how properly you speak the language. Oh yes.

    5. Shame on you for saying that - my students happen to be very respectful and highly-motivated. I taught a retired pilot, and am currently teaching one of the managers of the Turkish airlines, amongst other students. I am extremely happy at my work place and I've been far more disrespected as a waitress serving Maltese customers [Needless to say, not all Maltese customers are like that.]. The words you've just uttered show pure ignorance. Tell me one thing - What does the job of an EFL teacher entail? I bet you don't know a single thing. Oh and btw - it's "make" a mistake, go "do" your homework.

    6. and in this case - the appropriate phrasal verb is "care about" not "care for".

    7. Also "neither" is a negative, you cannot use two negatives in a sentence. I bet you learnt a couple of things today. Maybe you should attend some of these classes. Would you like a card?

    8. A teacher just babysits the drunken ones in your classes. There isn't much more to be said. That's why to become a teacher for foreigners you only take a month course. WOW now that's hard. I know many of you 'teachers' and many of these teachers claim to do it for some extra cash in summer because all it takes is them chatting and blabbing away.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. It's unfortunate that you had to mention these "teachers". What they said to you clearly indicates they do not carry out their duties; that they ignore the fact that these students pay through their nose to come here and practise the language. They are what ruin the system... why students don't come back... why Malta's reputation is being blighted. They are, however, the exception that proves the rule - the rule you stupidly want to ignore. Teachers have to put in a lot of effort and go to great lengths to provide students with interesting material, activities and hence help them improve the language!

      "Chatting and blabbing away" ...that's what a good teacher would never do. If I were you I'd change friends; they're being so selfish at work is indicative of many other things, surely!

    11. Dear Kirstie, it depends where you teach. I happen to teach at a very professional school, so for you to "assume" that everyone does the same job is wrong. Different schools have different systems. All schools have to meet a certain requirement, but ALL schools have different systems. And actually to get your TEFL course, it's a 60 hour course. You also have to get your TELT course provided that you do not have an A-level in English. You also HAVE TO have a Matriculation Certificate. Get yourself informed. If the job is so easy, go ahead, apply! Oh and btw. I NEVER had a single student arriving late to my class, be hungover, or even sleep in my class. Yes, there are schools who cater for students who come to party. But there are other schools who have a more professionally-oriented environment, catering for people who are highly motivated and willing to learn. If you do not work for this business, and you don't know how things work, this is just your perception of how things work. I, for one, admit to working to earn money, obviously! But it has also been a great working experience. As I said in other comments I have taught a retired pilot and am currently teaching a manager that works at Turkish airlines, amongst other students. That is indeed a great accomplishment for me. But you wouldn't know that.

    12. Paul: Your comments are seriously entertaining... Very much the thing to cure Monday blues, so thanks for that... Now kindly stop commenting about something you CLEARLY know nothing about (not to mention the fact that your grammar and spelling are just making you look bad...)

      Kristine: Nice.... I SINCERELY hope that your very cruel statement was based on experience, at least you MIGHT have some feeble excuse for having written it... If not, how dare you make such harsh judgements about something you don't even know about? It's people like you that remind me why foreigners call us closed-minded and judgemental...

  4. I think it's really bad to generalise as Ms Martin so selfishly did. One can't be so judgmental especially since these people bring loads of money to this island and they sure as hell help sensibilise people over here.

  5. Ta' beccun li jien18 August 2012 at 19:37

    Ma nafx hux ha nghid cucata, ghiduli intom jekk tifhmu iktar minni. Però ma tahsbux illi veru dawn dejjem Paceville u f'sakra ta' baghal? U tafu kemm jaghmlu vandalizmu fuq karozzi u fuq faccatti ta' djar? Lili ghiduli x'jitghalmu dawn!

    1. L- ewwel haga, mhux KOLLHA jitilghu paceville, u it-tieni mhux kollha ikunu "f'sakra ta baghal". Iva jista jkun li issib min jaghmel hekk. Pero skuzani, fejn tkun taf li jkun vandalizmu mill- istudenti li jigu jitghallmu l- Ingliz? Ikollhom xi label kbira fuq mohhhom li tghid li huma studenti? Jew ihallu sticker tal- iskola fejn jitghallmu fejn ikunu kissru? Hafna nies jassumu li ghax barrani ikun student qed jitghallem l- Ingliz. U tinsew li hemm hafna turisti li jigu Malta apparti dawn l- istudenti. Allura nghidu le ghat- turisti ghax issib min jaghmel atti vandali? Maltin jaghmlu vandalizmu ukoll, tghid insakkru lil kulhadd gewwa ghax il- Maltin mhux nies?

    2. Skużani ħa jkolli ngħidlek, imma il-Maltin jgħamluhom ukoll ta dawn l-affarijiet! Ma nixtieqx inwaqqak down jew hekk, la mid-dehera taħseb li l-ħażin jgħamluh il-barranin biss... Imma studenti Maltin li jieħdu l-istipendju mingħir ma jindenjaw ruħhom jidħlu għall-lectures jeżistu (anzi dawn agħar mill-barranin, għax għallinqas il-barranin IĦALLSU biex jiġu jistudjaw); studenti Maltin li kull weekend ikunu paceville "f'sakra ta bagħal" jeżistu wkoll; u żgħażagħ Maltin li jagħmlu l-vandaliżmu (believe it or not)jeżistu ukoll.... Allura, skużani ngħidlek, qed titfa t-tort fuq min jaqbillek, flok tara l-fatti... :)

  6. U issa billi tparlaw.... ha nghiduha kif inhi, meta jkunu hawn dawn l-istudenti fis sajf vera jinzlu paceville, imma naraw l affarijiet min angolu iehor-- ma hemmx restrizzjonijiet malta... mhux billi bl age restriction mal bieb, is security xorta idahhalhom... trid altru jkunu jidhru ta tlettax biex ma jdahhalomx, u ghandi d-dubji tieghi!! Kieku r-restrizzjonijiet infurzati kif suppost kieku dawn l-istudenti (mhux kollha) li jabbuzaw habba il-liberta zejda, jistaw jonqsu hafna... Heqq x tippretendi !! Jigiferi ma nitfawx it tort fuq il karrettun tal istudenti... Li ma tghidux intom hu li il-proprjetari ta dawn il clubs bars etc etc ma jaqbillomx jinfurzaw, jippreferu jaraw corma tfal li ghadom jibdew il hajja imsabtin ma l-art fis sakra halli jaghmlu il flus $$$$$$$, flok jistaqsu ghal id card qabel iservu !

    Imbghad ejja naraw minn angolu iehor, meta fix xitwa tinqaleb il folja, u l maggoranza ta dawn l-istudenti jitilqu, ghax ma ssemmux l-istudenti maltin ukoll, li jiddandmu ukoll fil-weekends?? Dawn mhux suppost jistudjaw ukoll? jew il maltin bis jistaw jistudjaw u jixorbu?? Meta jsir vandalizmu min xi corma maltin, mhux huma jkunu ukoll???

    nista inkompli ghaddej ta ... imma ahjar nieqaf.... ma naf kif certu nies jirragunaw u johorgu b sweeping statement hekk!! x tahsbu ?? ?

    1. Ifhem fuq li jidhlu fi clubs, ma nistax nitkellem ghax ma nahdimx f' dak is- settur. Pero sa fejn naf jien, "suppost" ikun hemm monitoring. U sa fejn naf jien, mhux suppost jixorbu meta jkunu ta' certu eta. Pero kif ghidt, ma nafx kif tahdem dik is-sistema. Pero naqbel mieghek, ma narax il- punt li nihduha kontra l- istudenti barranin,

      meta hawn Maltin, studenti u mhux studenti, li jaghmlu l- istess affarijiet.

      Bir- rispett kollu, xi kultant qrid dan narah ta' nies li jitkellmu bla raguni, ghax ma jkollhomx affarijiet ohra x' jaghmlu.

      Pero naqbel mieghek meta ghidt li neqirdu fuq il- barranin u ma narawx il- Maltin x jaghmlu.

    2. Hemm forma ta ligi,pero kemm tigi inforzata li jghodd... dan kemm il darba kont PV u tara individwi li jkunu jidhru zghar, u issa mhux nghid studenti biss, maltin ghawdxin, anyone - li jithallew ghaddejin... Int kemm il darba rajt xi barman, jitlob l ID qabel tixtri drink? jew flixkun vodka??? jien rari rajt !! U biex ma niggeneralizzax u nitfa kollox taht keffa wahda, naqbel li impossibli li barman jitlob l id lil kulhadt !! Pero, kieku dawk is security tal bieb jiffiltraw min jidhol sew, tal bar ikollu inqas hassles biex jitlob id, u ovja li dan mhux ha jistaqsi lil kulhadt imma at least say li min kull ghaxar persuna li jaqdi jilob 4 minhon l id ... u jaghmlu ratio hekk, xi ftit jaqbdu zgur mhux forsi ! u l istatistika titranga ....

      etc etc ghax ghajjet nikteb...

  7. I don't really care whether they come here to study english or not tbh. What I care about is that at least in summer we get many good looking girls who don't have to wear excessive make-up and whorish clothing to look great.

  8. ppfff Timothy, x ghandu x jaqsam!! Dak li qed tghid int huwa bbazat fuq il-gosti tieghek! Taste is subjective! What does your line of thought contribute to the argument and topic of this thread ??? ghalhekk tridhom ? ? Whats wrong with the not so good looking girls??? ghalhekk tridhom ha tghodd tittanta u tohrog "fishing"?? Certu mentalita u paroli zejda ma niflahomx... imbghad noqghodu nghidu u neqirdu ghax dawn il barranin jghidu "il- Maltin ma jistawx jaraw wahda!"

    1. I know it's besides the point but in reality so many stupid people commented up here that I didn't want to waste my time arguing with them. Mine was more of a sarcastic comment. I agree with you though yes, because many act like idiots with these foreigners when they overinsist to get laid hence giving the idea men on the island are all horned up.
